Last Thursday the kids had Field day at their Mothers Day Out. I was able to volunteer for the festivities (I say volunteer, but half the time I was tending to Sam). All the kids were so cute and I got to play with Isaac and Maya's class. The kids had a blast, Maya's favorite things were the bubbles while Isaac loved playing soccer and basketball. Saturday Josh and I drove up to College Station with Caleb and Katie for an Aggie football game. It was a tight game but we pulled out a win!! WHOOP! We all had a super fun time but didn't get home till 1:30 am, of course Sam was wide awake at 5:30, mama needs more than 4 hours of sleep!! Maya and Sam spent the day with Grandma and Maya was a good big sister and helped Grandma take care of Sam. Isaac spent the day with his cousin Connor. Vernie said they had a blast playing together and had so much fun playing outside in the water and mud. Sunday we went to church and then spent the rest of the day with the Gonzales family and grandma. The kids always love going over there. Isaac can't wait till he is big like Anthony and Jacob and of course Maya is Alie's princess in training. We are all looking forward to a good week and the kids can't wait to see Grammy and Grandaddy this weekend.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Field Day
Last Thursday the kids had Field day at their Mothers Day Out. I was able to volunteer for the festivities (I say volunteer, but half the time I was tending to Sam). All the kids were so cute and I got to play with Isaac and Maya's class. The kids had a blast, Maya's favorite things were the bubbles while Isaac loved playing soccer and basketball. Saturday Josh and I drove up to College Station with Caleb and Katie for an Aggie football game. It was a tight game but we pulled out a win!! WHOOP! We all had a super fun time but didn't get home till 1:30 am, of course Sam was wide awake at 5:30, mama needs more than 4 hours of sleep!! Maya and Sam spent the day with Grandma and Maya was a good big sister and helped Grandma take care of Sam. Isaac spent the day with his cousin Connor. Vernie said they had a blast playing together and had so much fun playing outside in the water and mud. Sunday we went to church and then spent the rest of the day with the Gonzales family and grandma. The kids always love going over there. Isaac can't wait till he is big like Anthony and Jacob and of course Maya is Alie's princess in training. We are all looking forward to a good week and the kids can't wait to see Grammy and Grandaddy this weekend.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away
We are back from our mini-vacation in Corpus Christi. We had a blast! We stayed with our friends Amy, Hector and Raul. They were so gracious as to put us up for the extended weekend. It ended up raining for much of the stay but the sun did come out on Sunday and we took advantage of it and headed to the beach. The kids had so much fun and want to go back tomorrow. Though it rained we still had a wonderful time just hanging out with our friends. The kids got along so well and we have determined that Maya and Raul will be getting into a lot of trouble in the future. Seems like both of them have a bit of dare-devil in them. Amy is pregnant and just found out she is having a boy, she looks all aglow with that pregnancy happiness. Josh finally suckered me into playing Risk with him, I have been avoiding playing this game with him. And guess what... I won!! I did have a little help from him and Hector, but I won. And we all know how much I enjoy winning. I think maybe he did this on purpose so I will play again. So, we are back in Austin and trying to get back into the swing of things. Funny how just being away for a few days can make things out of whack. I was sad to come home to find out my guardian angel maid hadn't paid me a visit to clean my house, guess that will be up to me. I will try and post a few pictures of the kids at the beach, see if I can figure this thing out.
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