Yes, we saw Horton Hears a Who. Maya and I had a girls day on Sunday. We went to church (the whole family). Then Maya and I went to lunch at Cici's (yes, she chose pizza of course), the toy store, book store and then to the movies. We had a great time together, it was so much fun hanging out with my little girl. She loved the movie and I really enjoyed it as well. She gets so into movies it is kinda funny. Throughout the whole movies she was asking me questions. When Horton was trying to get away from the buzzard she was yelling at him to run away and kept hiding her eyes. Then in the sad part when they were going to throw the flower/spec into the boiling pot of water she started to cry. I had to hold her in my lap and tell her everything would be okay and to just watch. I am amazed how emotionally attached to the characters she becomes. We watched the Fox and the Hound the other night and she just couldn't understand why Todd had to go to the woods and why he got a new friend, Dixie. Guess in her eyes friends are friends forever.
Isaac came back home on Monday!! O how I missed him! It seemed like he got so much bigger in that week he was gone. He had lots of fun. He had the chance to hang out with his cousins that he doesn't get to see that often. He and Ben hung out together and got along really well. On top of spending the days playing outside on the trampoline playing circus he went to two museums, the movies, soccer and softball practices and visited a TV station. My mom did tell me that Dolores had to take him out of one of the museums because he got too scared. Apparently they have some type of holograms that depicted gun and arrow fights between the Native Americans and settlers. It was just too scary and loud for him, yes he is the sensitive type. I think he was happy to come home and he was so excited to see his sister and Daddy.
Sam is sick, yet again! I took him into the doctors this morning and he has an ear infection in both ears. Poor little Sam, just when we thought the days of being sick were over with, for a while that is. He is on some antibiotics so hopefully he will be feeling better by this weekend. We plan on going to Dallas to spend Easter. The kids are all excited about hunting for eggs. We went to Target this morning to look for some baskets and buy some candy. I bought Maya a basket, but didn't find one for Isaac. In his words to the pharmacist "my mommy said they are too expensive here". Yes, he had a whole conversation with the pharmacist about Easter and hunting for eggs and how his mommy wouldn't let him buy a basket. What a mean mommy I am! Above are a couple of pictures of Maya's week of fun. One is of me and little roo and the other is of Emeril Daddy and Emeril Maya. On the weekends Josh usually makes breakfast for us and he puts a hat on and plays Emeril Daddy. The kids love it and are often right along side him with hats of their own.