O my goodness, has it really been that long since I last posted, shame on me! I bet people have given up on me. Okay, so let's summarize what has been going on these past few months. Where to start, guess I'll start with the kids.. in reverse order..(I am the youngest and always hated being listed last). Sam is doing great! He is walking and running, or at least trying to run. And trying to so hard to keep up with Isaac and Maya. If he doesn't keep up they drag him along. He is going to be one tough little boy, it seems he can't get a break. There is always some sort of boo-boo on him. He makes us all laugh, even at only just over a year he has a sense of humor, or maybe he is just an odd little nut. He loves to put things on his head, be it food, clothes, hats, shoes, toys or dirt. He loves balls and to bang things together to make noise. He is also a little bow legged, it is kinda funny to see these skinny little legs, reminds me of a small cowboy. And, yes, I am going to mention it to his doctor,we go in for his 15 month check up next week.
Princess Maya, o my sweet sweet girl. She is growing so quickly, I think she had a bit of a growth spurt. She is super smart and you can't put anything by her. She picks up on everything. She also loves anything sparkly. Where did she get this from? We picked out new shirts for school today and she insisted that her shirt has sparkles on it. And of course now she says she wants sparkle shoes. We bought her some last year but alas she finally admitted they are too small for her. She has also enjoyed watching the Olympics with me, her and Isaac love doing their gymnastic routines. I really should get her into some gymnastics classes, I think she will love them. Don't get me wrong, she can definitely hang with the boys, she loves playing star wars (loves those light sabers) and doesn't mind getting dirty or looking like a rag a muffin. This summer we have been working on her numbers and letters and she does a great job counting things and recognizing letters. She is super excited about starting school next week. I think she is mostly excited to see her friends.
Super hero Isaac. Isaac is all about the imaginative play. He loves to play pretend be it doctor, school, knights, house and his and Maya's favorite.. Super Heroes!! Isaac and Maya love playing together and for the most part get along wonderfully. I think God definitely knew what he was doing having me have them so close together. Isaac has also been working on his letters and counting to 100. He has also been working on simple addition. He loves to learn and is always asking questions. He thinks Josh is the smartest person in the world. He was talking to him the other day and was asking him a question about something, not sure what, but he told him that he was the expert. Josh loved it. I told him to enjoy it while it last because before long we won't know anything.
This summer we have been keeping very busy. Isaac and Maya took swim classes and they did a great job. I definitely will take them back next summer. Isaac did get to practice his swimming when he fell into the lake/river at a restaurant we were at a couple of weeks ago. Josh didn't think twice about trying to see if he could swim he just dove in after him. We still are not sure if he fell in or he jumped. My nephew Connor insists he jumped. We have been swimming a good bit this summer, the kids love being in the pool Most of the time we swam at the Gonzales's house. Thank goodness for my awesome nephews and niece who took care of them while they swam. Isaac played T-Ball for the first time this summer. he was on a team at the YMCA. He loved it and did a great job. We also spent a lot of time this summer with my sister Veronica and her kids.
One big thing that did happen this summer is that we have decided to put our house on the market. Josh and I have been talking about this for some time now and we decided now was a good time as any. My mom and the Gonzales all came over to help us get our house ready to be put on the market. We packed away a bunch of the kids toys, clothes and just a whole bunch of stuff. My house really sparkled. Now the hard part has been trying to keep it clean. The kids have done a great job with cleaning up after themselves. They are excited about the possibility of getting a new house. Maya says she wants a dining room and Isaac wants stairs and a game room. Isaac also keeps saying that we need a new house so we can have another baby. Not sure where he comes up with this stuff, but he is part right. We have really been thinking about adding to our family and a bigger house would be much needed.
I guess that sums it all up, I am sure I have forgotten some things but in all we are doing great and the kids are growing and getting cuter by the day. I will do my best to keep up with this more often. I will also post some recent pictures of the kids... till next time.