What better way to start the New Year! Tony and Josh sharing a cigar
Me and my sisters! Maya loves spaklers!
One of her birthday gifts, she loves to help Nita, Allie, Kaylee and Maya at the aquarium
Josh and the kids with the penguins
Well we survived another Christmas and New Year and managed to squeeze in a few birthdays too! Christmas this year was absolutely wonderful! The 2 older kids are at that age were they really get the whole Santa thing and it is so much fun to share in their excitement. We got to see Santa at my dad's house the weekend before Christmas. The kids loved seeing and talking with him. They had the chance to ask him any question they had. Some questions included where is your sleigh (Santa came in a van) and what do you eat. We all had a chance to sit on Santa's lap, yes Josh and me included, poor Santa. Isaac asked for storm trooper helmet and gun and Maya asked for a princess Leia gun and a bike. The princess Leia gun was news to us, so off to Target I went on Christmas eve, she had to settle for a light saber. We celebrated Christmas with my dad the weekend before Christmas. Then on the 23rd we celebrated with my mom and sisters. It was also my mom's birthday so that was some added joy. We opened up gifts on Christmas morning at our house and quickly, or as quickly as we could go, packed up our bags and gifts and headed to Dallas where we spent the day with Josh's mom and siblings. The next day we spent the day with Don an Sheree. Needless to say we were very busy but loved every minute of it.
Christmas morning was so much fun. Isaac came down the stairs and he was almost in disbelief to see the gifts. He came into our room and said that Santa had left him a nerf gun. I think he almost didn't get the fact that there were more gifts. We told him to go and wake up Maya so he ran up stairs and we could hear Maya squealing and she ran down the stairs. She definitely was excited to see all the gifts. Then we she got her bike, she was on cloud nine. She wanted to ride it right away.
We ended up staying for a few days in Dallas. We spent time with Josh's family which is always so much fun. We also got to see Caleb and Katie's new house all finished. It is so beautiful. They have done such a wonderful job. They were babysitting 2 dogs when we went by and they also have their dog too. The kids loved playing them. Maya wanted so badly to bring one home. So sad to tell her that we won't be getting any new pets any time soon. We also went by Josh's friend Jason's new house. It is super cute too! That night Nita and Gear said they would watch the kids so we could go over to Josh's friend Jonathan and Jennifer's house. We had lots of fun seeing them and some other old friends of Josh. Of course Josh loves talking about old times and somehow a crazy video of Josh made its way on the TV. Let's just say I hope our kids don't see that video till they are like 30 and know better than to follow in their fathers footsteps.
Monday we went to the Dallas World Aquarium with Nita, Allison and Kaylee. It was such a cool place. They kids loved seeing all of the animals. Isaac's favorite was some crazy fish that looked like seaweed. And Maya liked seeing the penguins and alligator.
We headed back to Austin in time to clean up the house. Actually, my wonderfully super awesome mom surprised us when we got home from Dallas. When we left Christmas morning the house was a complete mess. My mom had come by to pick up the fish to fishsit. I guess she either felt so sorry for us or wanted to do one last act of super kindness before the end of the year and cleaned our house. It was such a wonderful feeling to walk into my house and have it clean, like a dream come true!! Anyway, my mom is so great and I love her tons and tons!! So, back to New Years eve. Maya's birthday is on New years eve, so there is always a party! We invited some family (my sisters and their families and my mom) and friends the Roch's over to help us bring in the New Year. We spent the evening talking, eating, doing fireworks(sparklers) and playing board games. I did make some brownies per Maya's request. We sang her happy birthday and she opened up a some gifts. The kids had a great time doing the sparklers. Maya couldn't get enough of them and I thought Sam would try and catch one.
So begins a new year and I know there is so much this year will bring. I look forward to seeing my kids grow and learn. Isaac will be starting Kindergarten and we will be adding a new beautiful child to our family in August. Yes, another one!! What a wonderful Christmas gift God has given us. I pray that this baby grows to be healthy and strong. The kids are very excited and Maya has already informed us it is a girl and her name is Fuzzy. So, we look forward to meeting Fuzzy and know she or he will be bring such joy to our life.