Monday, December 15, 2008
Quick update
I realize I have become very bad at updating my blog, tisk tisk. I will try and capture what has been going on these past couple of months.
Let's start of with the move. Yes, we finally moved into our new house and we are settling in quite nicely. The house is beautiful and we are filling it with lots of love and memories. The kids are really enjoying their big backyard and playroom upstairs. We had our first artwork displayed on the wall upstairs in the playroom when Sam found a purple crayon and decided to share his artistic talent. We quickly found out just how hard the tile floor is when 3 Christmas ornaments broke within the first 30 minutes of putting up the tree. Again, thanks to Sam. I have found a little watchdog for the tree. It is this Reveille dog that plays the Aggie War hymn when you squeeze it's paw. Sam is terrified of this little dog, so he now stays away from the tree. Is this mean?? We have already had many family and friend gatherings in the new house. Thanksgiving was at our house this year. The Gonzales and Turman family were there. Along with my mom and 3 of my LeBlanc nephews, Adam, Anthony and JJ. It was so great having them there, at least part of the LeBlanc clan was there. We sure did miss Lollie, Joe and the other kids. I was so proud of Anthony LeBlanc. He actually made and brought a side dish, guess the boys are growing up!
We had Maya and Isaac's birthday party here a couple of weekends ago. We decided to do a joint party this year. They had a blast! We rented a moon bounce for outside. The weather was wonderful and the kids played and played outside. Many of the kids from their school made it to the party so the kids loved having their friends there. Grammy, Grandaddy, Emily and her kids and Allison and Kaylee also made it in from Dallas. The Gonzales, Turmans, Grandma and Andrea were also there to help celebrate the kids birthday. We had so much fun and we are so thankful for all the wonderful family and friends that shared the special day with us.
We finished up another season of soccer. Isaac and Maya were on the same team for the last time. Josh was able to be their coach as well. We had a great season and the kids had a blast. Maya made great efforts to keep up with the other kids and was not afraid to go after the ball. Isaac really blossomed this year and was the star of the team. He is really grasping the game and is more confident in his abilities. Go Tigers!
The kids finished up with their school (Mothers Day Out) and had so much fun this semester. They kids performed a Christmas program and they were super cute. Maya's class all wore red, green or white shirts and had cute Christmas hats on. Isaac's class all dressed up as part of the Christmas story. Isaac was a shepherd and was awesome! They sang songs and followed it up with a party in each of their classrooms. This Friday the kids have their Christmas party at Catechises class. They are loving this time of the year. We are planning on going to see the lights at Zilker this year, I am sure they will love that. I remember going when I was a kid.
This past weekend the Ayalas came up from Corpus to celebrate a friends Christmas. We love seeing them and spending time with them. Isaac, Maya and Raul had so much fun playing together. We made a special dinner that night and Tammy and Thomas joined us. We followed dinner with a fun game of Mad Gab. The rest of the weekend we just lounged around talking and playing games. Josh was in heaven with all of the game playing.
I think that pretty much sums up these past months. Life is wonderful and we are especially grateful for all that the Lord has blessed us with!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
We've made it!!
It has been over a week now living in our new house and it has been such a whirlwind. Things are slowing getting put away and our walls are even slower getting adorned with pictures and such. Closing day was crazy with going from title company to title company, trying to figure out just how much we made from the last house and how much we owe for the new house. In the end Josh and I were very happy with end results and really felt God's hand in it all. We felt so truly blessed in this whole process. From an amazing realtor/friend (Kelli), a lovely family buying our house, finding the beautiful house we will make a new home to all of our family and friends who came out to help us move. Thank you all for everything and most importantly thanks be to God!!
The kids are adjusting quite well to the new house. Maya had a bit of difficult first few days. She would tell me she didn't like the new house and she was sure we left some of her things behind. I took her back to the old house and let her have a look around to make sure nothing was left behind. I think this put her mind at ease. The kids love all the room upstairs for all of their toys. Isaac loves his new bed that he is sleeping in. It really isn't a new bed, it is just that it was the top bunk bed in the old house and he was too scared to sleep in it. Now that the bedrooms are bigger we are able to have both beds on the floor. They are however eager to switch rooms and get new roomates. Isaac keep reminding me that when the new baby gets here that Isaac an Sam are going to share a room and Maya is going to share a room with the new baby. No, I am not pregnant, but they have this set in their mind. Maybe they know something I don't! The kids also love their new backyard. The weather is so wonderful right now and they spend most of their days outside. I do have to watch out because they have discovered the joy of making mud holes. Josh isn't too happy about this in his new yard. We have already had our first guests as Nita, Caleb and Katie came up this past weekend to pick up Josh for an Aggie game. We really enjoyed having them come for a visit and are eager to entertain more people visiting!
The kids are doing great in school and are learning so much. They love their teachers and friends. We also recently had fun trick or treating for Halloweeen. We went to Kelli's house for Halloween. They hooked up a trailer filled with hay and drove to a nearby neighborhood. They drove from house to house and the kids filled up on candy. Isaac was able to hang with the bigger kids and Maya really wasn't in too much of a rush. Sam just loved getting out and looking at all the decorations. A few times he got scared by people dressed up in scary outfits. The kids had a blast and now we have way too much candy in our house. Veronica has all the picutures so when I get them from her I will post pictures of the kids. They looked adorable. Isaac and Maya were pirates, Josh made their costumes. Sam was a lion, too cute!
This past Halloween also marked the 20 year anniversary of my grandma's passing. We had a mass in her honor and gathered together at my Aunt Sylvia's house afterwards. Aunt Sylvia had pictures of her and a beautiful table my grandfather made with tiles of Our Lady of Guadalupe on it. My mind that day was filled with so many wonderful memories of my grandma, I miss you grandma!
The kids are adjusting quite well to the new house. Maya had a bit of difficult first few days. She would tell me she didn't like the new house and she was sure we left some of her things behind. I took her back to the old house and let her have a look around to make sure nothing was left behind. I think this put her mind at ease. The kids love all the room upstairs for all of their toys. Isaac loves his new bed that he is sleeping in. It really isn't a new bed, it is just that it was the top bunk bed in the old house and he was too scared to sleep in it. Now that the bedrooms are bigger we are able to have both beds on the floor. They are however eager to switch rooms and get new roomates. Isaac keep reminding me that when the new baby gets here that Isaac an Sam are going to share a room and Maya is going to share a room with the new baby. No, I am not pregnant, but they have this set in their mind. Maybe they know something I don't! The kids also love their new backyard. The weather is so wonderful right now and they spend most of their days outside. I do have to watch out because they have discovered the joy of making mud holes. Josh isn't too happy about this in his new yard. We have already had our first guests as Nita, Caleb and Katie came up this past weekend to pick up Josh for an Aggie game. We really enjoyed having them come for a visit and are eager to entertain more people visiting!
The kids are doing great in school and are learning so much. They love their teachers and friends. We also recently had fun trick or treating for Halloweeen. We went to Kelli's house for Halloween. They hooked up a trailer filled with hay and drove to a nearby neighborhood. They drove from house to house and the kids filled up on candy. Isaac was able to hang with the bigger kids and Maya really wasn't in too much of a rush. Sam just loved getting out and looking at all the decorations. A few times he got scared by people dressed up in scary outfits. The kids had a blast and now we have way too much candy in our house. Veronica has all the picutures so when I get them from her I will post pictures of the kids. They looked adorable. Isaac and Maya were pirates, Josh made their costumes. Sam was a lion, too cute!
This past Halloween also marked the 20 year anniversary of my grandma's passing. We had a mass in her honor and gathered together at my Aunt Sylvia's house afterwards. Aunt Sylvia had pictures of her and a beautiful table my grandfather made with tiles of Our Lady of Guadalupe on it. My mind that day was filled with so many wonderful memories of my grandma, I miss you grandma!
Monday, October 6, 2008
house pictures part 2
Our new house!
We are moving! I figured I would post some pictures of our new house for those of you that haven't had a chance to come and see the house. We are busy packing and have done a great job getting things packed up. I really do have to mention that my mom is awesome!!! Without her help packing we would be drowning. Thank you mom, you rock!!!! Now for the pictures. I wish there was a way to post under each picture of what they are but I will try and list them, plus I am sure you can figure most of it just by looking at it. From top to bottom, left to right.. 1. Front of house 2. Entry way, study is off to the left, then the dining room. Off to the right is a hallway to the powder room, laudry room and garage. 3. Study/Office 4. Kitchen from living room.
Go Tigers!
It is soccer time again for the Morris family. This year Isaac and Maya are are the same team, the Tigers. Josh is coaching again and doing a great job. We have 12 kids on our team ages 3 and 4. Isaac is our "clutch" player. He is also one of the oldest and biggest. Maya is also doing a great job and is not afraid to go after the ball. Isaac has really improved over last year and has much better control over the ball. We have a great team and the kids are so cute and fun to watch. They still pretty much just chase the ball and fall over themselves but they are having lots of fun doing it. At the first game we had so many loved ones come and watch. Nita and Geary, my mom and the whole Gonzales family were out there cheering the kids on. The kids loved all of the support! I am not sure they realize just how loved they are!! Here are a few pictures of the kids 2nd game. They had so much fun at this game. Maya especially had a great time, but mostly because of all of the mud on the field. She loved stomping around in it, I think she spent more time trotting in the mud than chasing after the ball. We have this weekend off because of some silly little football game being played up in Dallas, but we will be back next weekend, go Tigers!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
1st Day of School
The kids started back at Mothers Day Out at our church this past week. They were so super excited to get back and meet their new teachers and of course see all of their friends. Maya's teacher is Ms. Patti and she is super sweet. Maya has all of her old classmates back in her class. Isaac is in Pre-K and has most of his classmates back. We are looking forward to an exciting year. Our church is building some new religious education buildings on their new church campus and they should be ready very soon. The kids will be moving into their new classrooms after Christmas break. The kids will also be starting RE (religious education) classes in a couple of weeks as well.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Is summer over already??
O my goodness, has it really been that long since I last posted, shame on me! I bet people have given up on me. Okay, so let's summarize what has been going on these past few months. Where to start, guess I'll start with the kids.. in reverse order..(I am the youngest and always hated being listed last). Sam is doing great! He is walking and running, or at least trying to run. And trying to so hard to keep up with Isaac and Maya. If he doesn't keep up they drag him along. He is going to be one tough little boy, it seems he can't get a break. There is always some sort of boo-boo on him. He makes us all laugh, even at only just over a year he has a sense of humor, or maybe he is just an odd little nut. He loves to put things on his head, be it food, clothes, hats, shoes, toys or dirt. He loves balls and to bang things together to make noise. He is also a little bow legged, it is kinda funny to see these skinny little legs, reminds me of a small cowboy. And, yes, I am going to mention it to his doctor,we go in for his 15 month check up next week.
Princess Maya, o my sweet sweet girl. She is growing so quickly, I think she had a bit of a growth spurt. She is super smart and you can't put anything by her. She picks up on everything. She also loves anything sparkly. Where did she get this from? We picked out new shirts for school today and she insisted that her shirt has sparkles on it. And of course now she says she wants sparkle shoes. We bought her some last year but alas she finally admitted they are too small for her. She has also enjoyed watching the Olympics with me, her and Isaac love doing their gymnastic routines. I really should get her into some gymnastics classes, I think she will love them. Don't get me wrong, she can definitely hang with the boys, she loves playing star wars (loves those light sabers) and doesn't mind getting dirty or looking like a rag a muffin. This summer we have been working on her numbers and letters and she does a great job counting things and recognizing letters. She is super excited about starting school next week. I think she is mostly excited to see her friends.
Super hero Isaac. Isaac is all about the imaginative play. He loves to play pretend be it doctor, school, knights, house and his and Maya's favorite.. Super Heroes!! Isaac and Maya love playing together and for the most part get along wonderfully. I think God definitely knew what he was doing having me have them so close together. Isaac has also been working on his letters and counting to 100. He has also been working on simple addition. He loves to learn and is always asking questions. He thinks Josh is the smartest person in the world. He was talking to him the other day and was asking him a question about something, not sure what, but he told him that he was the expert. Josh loved it. I told him to enjoy it while it last because before long we won't know anything.
This summer we have been keeping very busy. Isaac and Maya took swim classes and they did a great job. I definitely will take them back next summer. Isaac did get to practice his swimming when he fell into the lake/river at a restaurant we were at a couple of weeks ago. Josh didn't think twice about trying to see if he could swim he just dove in after him. We still are not sure if he fell in or he jumped. My nephew Connor insists he jumped. We have been swimming a good bit this summer, the kids love being in the pool Most of the time we swam at the Gonzales's house. Thank goodness for my awesome nephews and niece who took care of them while they swam. Isaac played T-Ball for the first time this summer. he was on a team at the YMCA. He loved it and did a great job. We also spent a lot of time this summer with my sister Veronica and her kids.
One big thing that did happen this summer is that we have decided to put our house on the market. Josh and I have been talking about this for some time now and we decided now was a good time as any. My mom and the Gonzales all came over to help us get our house ready to be put on the market. We packed away a bunch of the kids toys, clothes and just a whole bunch of stuff. My house really sparkled. Now the hard part has been trying to keep it clean. The kids have done a great job with cleaning up after themselves. They are excited about the possibility of getting a new house. Maya says she wants a dining room and Isaac wants stairs and a game room. Isaac also keeps saying that we need a new house so we can have another baby. Not sure where he comes up with this stuff, but he is part right. We have really been thinking about adding to our family and a bigger house would be much needed.
I guess that sums it all up, I am sure I have forgotten some things but in all we are doing great and the kids are growing and getting cuter by the day. I will do my best to keep up with this more often. I will also post some recent pictures of the kids... till next time.
Princess Maya, o my sweet sweet girl. She is growing so quickly, I think she had a bit of a growth spurt. She is super smart and you can't put anything by her. She picks up on everything. She also loves anything sparkly. Where did she get this from? We picked out new shirts for school today and she insisted that her shirt has sparkles on it. And of course now she says she wants sparkle shoes. We bought her some last year but alas she finally admitted they are too small for her. She has also enjoyed watching the Olympics with me, her and Isaac love doing their gymnastic routines. I really should get her into some gymnastics classes, I think she will love them. Don't get me wrong, she can definitely hang with the boys, she loves playing star wars (loves those light sabers) and doesn't mind getting dirty or looking like a rag a muffin. This summer we have been working on her numbers and letters and she does a great job counting things and recognizing letters. She is super excited about starting school next week. I think she is mostly excited to see her friends.
Super hero Isaac. Isaac is all about the imaginative play. He loves to play pretend be it doctor, school, knights, house and his and Maya's favorite.. Super Heroes!! Isaac and Maya love playing together and for the most part get along wonderfully. I think God definitely knew what he was doing having me have them so close together. Isaac has also been working on his letters and counting to 100. He has also been working on simple addition. He loves to learn and is always asking questions. He thinks Josh is the smartest person in the world. He was talking to him the other day and was asking him a question about something, not sure what, but he told him that he was the expert. Josh loved it. I told him to enjoy it while it last because before long we won't know anything.
This summer we have been keeping very busy. Isaac and Maya took swim classes and they did a great job. I definitely will take them back next summer. Isaac did get to practice his swimming when he fell into the lake/river at a restaurant we were at a couple of weeks ago. Josh didn't think twice about trying to see if he could swim he just dove in after him. We still are not sure if he fell in or he jumped. My nephew Connor insists he jumped. We have been swimming a good bit this summer, the kids love being in the pool Most of the time we swam at the Gonzales's house. Thank goodness for my awesome nephews and niece who took care of them while they swam. Isaac played T-Ball for the first time this summer. he was on a team at the YMCA. He loved it and did a great job. We also spent a lot of time this summer with my sister Veronica and her kids.
One big thing that did happen this summer is that we have decided to put our house on the market. Josh and I have been talking about this for some time now and we decided now was a good time as any. My mom and the Gonzales all came over to help us get our house ready to be put on the market. We packed away a bunch of the kids toys, clothes and just a whole bunch of stuff. My house really sparkled. Now the hard part has been trying to keep it clean. The kids have done a great job with cleaning up after themselves. They are excited about the possibility of getting a new house. Maya says she wants a dining room and Isaac wants stairs and a game room. Isaac also keeps saying that we need a new house so we can have another baby. Not sure where he comes up with this stuff, but he is part right. We have really been thinking about adding to our family and a bigger house would be much needed.
I guess that sums it all up, I am sure I have forgotten some things but in all we are doing great and the kids are growing and getting cuter by the day. I will do my best to keep up with this more often. I will also post some recent pictures of the kids... till next time.
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Little Sam is 1 !!!
I can't believe my little boy is one today. Has it really been a year since he was born? The year has flown by but I have cherished every moment of it. Maybe because he is my third and I am not so eager for him to reach each new milestone but savor him for where he is now. He is a sweet and snugly little boy with eyes that just make you want to give him lots of kisses, and I so happily oblige. We celebrated his birthday this past weekend. It was just family, but as you all know with my family we will celebrate anything, and yes, it will be an all day thing. Josh stayed up late making is wonderful brisket and chicken. He loves his new smoker and loves to cook for people. Grammy and Grandaddy ( Josh's mom and step-dad) came into town for the weekend as well, another reason to celebrate!! Everyone came over around 2 and everyone loved Josh's brisket and chicken. Those that made it to the celebration where the Gonzales Family (ALL of them!!), the Turmans (minus Luke :o( ) , my mom, Nita and Geary, my dad and my brother Lloyd.
I made Sam's cake and some cupcakes. The cupcakes turned out yummy, but my cake, well it was a sad little cake. Not sure what happened but it was kind of flat. O well, it tasted good and it was all gone in no time. Maya did the decorating, she did a wonderful job. I wrote Happy Birthday Sam on there and Maya made little snakes everywhere around the cake. Each snake had a different story, one was a cold snake, another a warm snake, another a dead snake, there were snakes everywhere. Then there was one small lady bug that turned out to be a rather big ladybug after the sprinkles. It was definitely a cake made out of love.
Sam received some wonderful gifts and will look absolutely adorable in some new outfits. The kids had a blast playing outside in the sprinkler and playing with their water guns. I had a also had a great time playing with the water guns, not sure who I really got those for, the kids or me! Yesterday we spent the day with Nita and Geary. We had a yummy breakfast and then went to the Parade of Homes. We saw 6 houses that ranged from $2- $4 million bucks! They were huge and beautiful. Some I liked more than others but each had something about them I liked. Josh and I kept thinking.. if we had this house think of the parties we would have! I told you, we will celebrate anything!
Maya is with my mom this week in Abilene, so my house is a little quieter today. I miss seeing her sweet little smile and hearing her precious voice. She is having a blast with her cousins and I am sure they are doting on her making her feel like a princess.
Happy Birthday my little Sam, mommy loves you!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Fun in the Sun
We returned from our vacation last week and I am just now getting back into the swing of things. We (Josh, Maya, Isaac and I) went to Cancun for a week. We stayed at the Moon Palace, which is an all inclusive resort. This place is huge! In a nutshell we had a fabulous time. This was the first plane ride for the kids and they did great. Isaac looked a little scared when the plane started to take off, but his face soon turned to excitement. Maya thought the whole thing was fun. The plane ride was only about 2 and half hours so they weren't stuck in their seats for too long. When we arrived at the airport we had a van waiting for us to take us to the hotel. After checking in (and having a glass of champagne while checking in) we had our first meal. We were super hungry. The kids were filled with such excitement at being somewhere new. The waiter was really nice and entertained the kids with some "magic". One of the things he did was a trick with the forks, this was funny because Maya tried throughout the whole trip to recreate this trick. She never quite figured it out. After lunch the kids wanted to go to the pool and the beach. We didn't have our luggage yet so we just went by the pool and headed to the beach (which was right there next to the pool). The kids loved it and Maya ended up getting most of her shorts wet. We were finally able to get into our rooms and the kids wanted to go swimming! Josh took the kids to the pool for a while and I stayed behind to unpack and get our things organized. We went to dinner that night at a steak house, it was tasty. Isaac, however, managed to take a couple of bites before he fell asleep at the table. The waiter was nice enough to bring a chair over and make a little bed for him to sleep.
The next day we spent the day just hanging out at the pool and made our arrangements for the tours we would take. We set up excursions to Wet-n-Wild and to Isla de Mujeres. For Mothers Day Josh said I could take a half a day to go to the spa and have a facial, yea!! After a day at the pool we had lunch and made sure the kids had naps. That night after dinner we saw a circus. Okay, it really wasn't a circus but it was the resorts version of a circus. They basically had some strong men, a man who played with fire, a man who danced and a couple who danced on roller skates. It was mediocre, but the strong men were cool. Isaac did NOT like the circus, it scared him. But he does this really funny imitation of one of the dancers who juggled a huge cube. I need to video tape it. The following day we went to Wet-n-wild. It was a blast. The park was pretty empty so that was great. No waiting in lines and didn't have to worry about the kids getting lost amongst the crowds. That night the kids were super sleepy. Isaac ended up falling asleep at the dinner table again. It was hilarious. On Friday I had my spa day. It was sooo wonderful!! After my facial and back massage I met up with Josh and the kids and me and Maya had a manicure and pedicure together. It was her first one. It was so great having that one on one time with her. I think she really enjoyed it and loves to show off her nails and toes. The lady that did her mani and pedi was great with her. I had picked out this pretty light shade of pink for her, but Maya had a different idea. She wanted bright pink! They also painted a little flower on her nails, they look cute.
The rest of our days we spent at the pool. They have a great pool for the kids where they could run and play without their floats. We also spent a good bit of time in the bigger pool. The kids loved swimming up to the bar and having drinks. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed that part too! Josh was able to take Isaac to the driving range at the golf course. Isaac ending up getting a blister on his hand, the same place Josh gets a blister each time he goes golfing. We also had some fun playing tennis or attempting to play tennis. There were so many iguanas on the tennis court, what a sight to see. Each night the hotel had some sort of entertainment. They had a game show, some dancers and the last night they had Michael Jackson. No, not the real thing, but a pretty good imitator. The last day we were there we went to Isla de Mujeres. We had to take a boat out to the island and the kids thought that was cool. Then we took a boat tour around the island. We got to see a bunch of fish, some dolphins (at a little water park) and swim in the ocean. The water is absolutely beautiful. You can see all the way down to your feet. Maya was fearless and thought she could handle the waves all by herself. That was until she swallowed a good bit of water, but that didn't scare her the least.
We had a wonderful time in Mexico and the kids can't wait to come back. Of course we will be bringing Sam next time. The kids missed him and told everyone we met about him and that we left him at home with Grandma. I too missed him terribly. I knew he was being taken good care of and being spoiled by Grandma. Isaac is so excited about coming back when he is older and can go snorkeling and ride on the jet ski's. Yesterday Maya said she wanted to get on a plane and go to the water park. I told her we can see about going to Schlitterbahn some time this summer or at least the local water park.
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