I realize I have become very bad at updating my blog, tisk tisk. I will try and capture what has been going on these past couple of months.
Let's start of with the move. Yes, we finally moved into our new house and we are settling in quite nicely. The house is beautiful and we are filling it with lots of love and memories. The kids are really enjoying their big backyard and playroom upstairs. We had our first artwork displayed on the wall upstairs in the playroom when Sam found a purple crayon and decided to share his artistic talent. We quickly found out just how hard the tile floor is when 3 Christmas ornaments broke within the first 30 minutes of putting up the tree. Again, thanks to Sam. I have found a little watchdog for the tree. It is this Reveille dog that plays the Aggie War hymn when you squeeze it's paw. Sam is terrified of this little dog, so he now stays away from the tree. Is this mean?? We have already had many family and friend gatherings in the new house. Thanksgiving was at our house this year. The Gonzales and Turman family were there. Along with my mom and 3 of my LeBlanc nephews, Adam, Anthony and JJ. It was so great having them there, at least part of the LeBlanc clan was there. We sure did miss Lollie, Joe and the other kids. I was so proud of Anthony LeBlanc. He actually made and brought a side dish, guess the boys are growing up!
We had Maya and Isaac's birthday party here a couple of weekends ago. We decided to do a joint party this year. They had a blast! We rented a moon bounce for outside. The weather was wonderful and the kids played and played outside. Many of the kids from their school made it to the party so the kids loved having their friends there. Grammy, Grandaddy, Emily and her kids and Allison and Kaylee also made it in from Dallas. The Gonzales, Turmans, Grandma and Andrea were also there to help celebrate the kids birthday. We had so much fun and we are so thankful for all the wonderful family and friends that shared the special day with us.
We finished up another season of soccer. Isaac and Maya were on the same team for the last time. Josh was able to be their coach as well. We had a great season and the kids had a blast. Maya made great efforts to keep up with the other kids and was not afraid to go after the ball. Isaac really blossomed this year and was the star of the team. He is really grasping the game and is more confident in his abilities. Go Tigers!
The kids finished up with their school (Mothers Day Out) and had so much fun this semester. They kids performed a Christmas program and they were super cute. Maya's class all wore red, green or white shirts and had cute Christmas hats on. Isaac's class all dressed up as part of the Christmas story. Isaac was a shepherd and was awesome! They sang songs and followed it up with a party in each of their classrooms. This Friday the kids have their Christmas party at Catechises class. They are loving this time of the year. We are planning on going to see the lights at Zilker this year, I am sure they will love that. I remember going when I was a kid.
This past weekend the Ayalas came up from Corpus to celebrate a friends Christmas. We love seeing them and spending time with them. Isaac, Maya and Raul had so much fun playing together. We made a special dinner that night and Tammy and Thomas joined us. We followed dinner with a fun game of Mad Gab. The rest of the weekend we just lounged around talking and playing games. Josh was in heaven with all of the game playing.
I think that pretty much sums up these past months. Life is wonderful and we are especially grateful for all that the Lord has blessed us with!
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