We brought in a New Year, but more importantly we celebrated Maya's 3rd birthday. We spent New Year's at the Gonzales house and had a wonderful time. The Turmans as well as Tony's sister Josie and her family joined us for the festivities. We had some yummy food and drinks and played board games while the kids played wii. Sam hit the sack early but Isaac stayed up till Midnight. Maya almost made it but crashed at about 20 minutes till midnight. At around 11 we went outside and did sparklers. Maya loved them at first, till she overheard someone say to be careful because you can get hurt. She would have no more of the sparklers. Isaac on the other hand said no from the get go. He was terrified of the sparklers. I tried to hold him while holding a sparkler and that didn't even work. He was happy just watching from afar. At midnight we toasted a New Year with everyone, Isaac had no idea what we were all cheering and hugging for. But he was eager to yell and cheer along for no reason. We finally left their house at around 2 am. The kids thankfully let us sleep in till 8:45!!! They never sleep in that late, maybe we should keep them awake till midnight every night.
The next day Mom came over to help us prepare for Maya's party. She made the rice and beans and I still haven't learned how to make them. The Gonzales's and Turmans came over at around 2. Maya requested chocolate cake with a flower on it. I made the cake and Josh decorated it. It turned out really cute, Josh did a great job on it and Maya loved it. Maya chose what she wanted to wear to her party. She wore striped tights, pink sparkly shirt and her Snow White dress up dress. She looked adorable. When it came to singing happy birthday for Maya she was so excited. She loved all the singing just for her. She blew out her candles and was ready to move on to the presents. I told her we had to wait till everyone finished their cake. I soon after found her opening up a gift. When I came over there she told me not to look. We finally made it to her gifts and she loved them all. One of the gifts she received was a Cinderella outfit (tiara, dress, handbag and high heeled shoes) from the Webbs. She was eager to put it on. I wish I could post video to this site because she had us all laughing so hard as she tried to walk down the hallway in her shoes. She looked like a little bag lady with her striped tights and dress up dress wobbling down the hallway. She was definitely having fun. Maya is a sweet and smart little girl with a lot of spunk in her. She says the funniest things and has a way of getting her way. Everything is just one more for her, either it be cookies, books, hugs or kisses. And I am always up for one more hug for my little girl.