Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is everything okay, mam?

I was surprised yesterday afternoon when I heard a loud knock on the door, then to see a man peering through my window. I opened the door to find a police officer (yes, I saw that he was a cop before I opened the door ). He asked if everything was okay because they received a 911 hang-up call from our house. I informed him that it must have been my son, Isaac. You see, he just learned about calling 911 from their firetruck tour at school (see previous post). I guess I should have gone over it with him about what an emergency was. He asked if he could come in and check everything out. Of course I let him in, sadly my house was not the cleanest with toys all over the living room and the kids glued to the TV in my room (they sometimes sneak away to catch some cartoons in my room when I tell them no TV.. yes, they listen so well). The police officer asked Isaac if he called 911. Isaac then proceeded to go on some long tangent about who knows what. Something about our neighbor and his mom. All I could think was, how does this sound, is the officer going to believe me that all is well, what else is Isaac going to tell him. Have I reprimanded him lately, yelled, been "mean" mommy? I guess the officer knew that everything was okay and that it was all an accident. He told Isaac that he shouldn't call 911 when there isn't an emergency. After the officer left I had a long talk with Isaac. He was a little scared and cried a little when we had our talk. Hopefully he learned his lesson, but now I need to worry about Maya.. she now knows all about 911.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cowboys, Athletes and Fishermen

So much has been happening these past couple of weeks I figured it was time for a little catch up. The kids had their Western Day at MDO a couple of weeks ago. They dressed up in cowboy boots and hats. At school they had different activities for the kids like a petting zoo, face painting, Texas flag making, cowboy sing-a-longs. I think their favorite part was the petting zoo. They have been playing cowboys since then. They also had their first soccer game. They did a great job! I was especially impressed by Maya. I wasn't sure how she would do, but she did awesome! She was a bit slower than most of the other kids (she is also one of the youngest), but she wasn't afraid to get right in there. She hustled after the ball and got into the mix. Isaac did a great job playing goalie and made a couple of saves. The Gonzales family was there to cheer both of them on. I know they will enjoy this soccer season and love it when anyone comes to watch them. Go Bluebirds!

This past weekend we went camping with Josh's family. We went to Cleburne State Park. We had so much fun! It was really cold at night but we made it through. The kids loved being outside and getting all dirty. Saturday we went to Dinosaur State Park. We went hiking around the park and the kids got to play in the water. We packed a lunch and ate it out there. When we got back to the campsite Josh took Isaac and Maya fishing. They loved it. Maya was insistent on holding her own pole and was determined not to need any help. On the way to go fishing our nephew Mattie had a bad fall. He landed straight on his head and Emily and Matt had to take him to the hospital. After 4 hours in the ER they finally saw a doctor and determined that he didn't need stitches. Poor little guy was a trooper and was back to his old self by Sunday. We hope to go camping with everyone again soon!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Easter and April Fools

More than a week has passed since Easter so I figured it was time to update my blog to let everyone know how our Easter was and everything else going on over here. For Easter we went to Dallas. The drive up there was long thanks to accidents along the way. However, we are always grateful that we are not in the accident just part of the traffic following. We got into Dallas late Friday night, but the kids still managed to have enough energy to play with Grammy. Saturday we had lunch with Josh's dad for his birthday. I think we surprised him when all of his kids and grandkids made it to the lunch. The kids got to spend some time with papa d for a couple of hours before we went to lunch. Later on Saturday Josh took the older kids to Bass Pro shop while mommy got to spend some girl time with Nita, Allison and Katie. We met the guys later and Caleb and Katies new house to see the progress they are making. The house is looking good and I am so excited for them. You can check out their blog on my friends list of blogs. I know, I know I only have 2 people listed on there. Either I need to make more friends or my friends need to get blogs of their own! Anyway, Easter morning came and we made it to Mass just in time to get a seat. Isaac wasn't feeling suepr great so he stayed with us during Mass while Maya went to the nursery. After Mass we headed to the Thorntons for some lunch and of course the Easter egg hunt. The kids had a blast!! How could they not, there were really only 3 of them that did most of the hunting. It was Isaac, Maya and Mattie. Chloe decided she was more interested in hiding the eggs than hunting for them. Something she recreated many times after the first hunt. The kids loved it. Needless to say we have wayyyy too much candy left over. We spent the rest of the day enjoying each others company and of course we had to play a game. This is the reason we didn't leave Dallas till after 8 that night. We finally made it into Austin after 11. One good things was that the kids slept the whole way so not pit stops!

We had a garage sale this past weekend. Veronica also contributed some items as well. Atually, she had the most stuff and sold a whole lot. She said it was just enough to cover her gas getting to and from our house. We did okay and sold some odds and ends. Isaac and Maya each found some toys they wanted to sell, so they made a little money themselves. Isaac is eager to buy something new with his $2. Monday was Josh's birthday. Sunday we had the Gonzales, Turmans, my mom and Andrea over for some burgers. Josh made them and they were super yummy. Monday night we went to eat just the family at Fudruckers. The kids made him cards. I too made him a little card. Though mine wasn't nearly as cute. Isaac drew him a picture of a box with a smoker in it. Each kid put in some money to go towards a smoker. Guess what he is getting for his birthday?? He is all excited and has been resarching the one he wants for the last couple of days. Last night we went to dinner with my dad for his birthday as well. 3 days of birthday celebrations! I think he is kinda loved. Yesterday was also April Fools day. I was pretty clueless to it all till I was fooled. I went to pick up the kids from MDO and I walked into Isaac's classroom and he came up to me with a sad look on his face and told me he got a sad face at school. (His teacher gives them a happy, not very happy and sad face on how they behave in scholl that day). He kinda had a smirk on his face, which I immediately thought.. he isn't taking it that bad, I wonder why. He then said.. April Fools! He had me and some other mommy's laughing. He got me! Tomorrow the kids have Western Day at MDO so I will make sure and post some pics of them in their "western" attire.