What a beautiful weekend it was!! The weather has been beautiful and we had to spend it outside. After a birthday party on Saturday we took the kids geocaching. Geocaching is something Josh has been trying to get me to do for a while but honestly it sounded kind of lame to me. Plus he needed a GPS do it, but didn't have one. Well, he finally got one and I had no excuses left. Basically you go to some website were people post coordinates where they have hidden a "treasure" and you go and try and find it. They are usually in a park or on some trail. The treasure is really just a box with some random things in it that people who have found it before have left behind. We went to a park/trail in Austin were Josh had about 4 locations mapped out. It was a perfect trail for the kids. Not too difficult that Sam couldn't walk it, but challenging enough for Isaac and Maya to climb and search for the treasure. The kids loved it and I have to admit that I really had a good time. Sam was such a little trooper and he didn't let his size get in the way of him trying to keep up with the bigger kids. Maya did a great job and found the most difficult and smallest treasure. Isaac made friends with everyone we encountered along the way. He would tell them that we found the treasure but he wasn't going to tell them where it was. I definitely look forward to going geocaching again.
Sunday we celebrated Ava's 2nd birthday. We went to my sister Veronica's house. The kids had a blast playing outside and riding on the golf cart. Yesterday was also the Super Bowl so it was a birthday/Super Bowl party. It was a great game and I didn't really care who won but I guess I was cheering for the Cardinals since they were the underdog. It came down to the last minute but the Steelers pulled it out in the end. Maybe some day soon the Cowboys will make it back to the super bowl.
I will make sure to take some pictures next time we go geocaching to post to the blog.
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