It is Christmas time and the kids are so excited. It is so much fun to see the excitement in their eyes every time they see Santa, or Christmas lights or even just singing Christmas songs. Isaac and Maya had their Christmas program at school yesterday. They were so cute. Isaac wore a Santa hat and Maya had a t-shirt that they decorated and a little halo on her head. Need I mention that the halo kept coming off or was on crooked the whole time... quite fitting I believe. The kids have made their lists for Santa and they are as follows. Isaac wants a jet airplane, race car shirt, pants and pj's. And of course some cars. Maya would like a sparkly shirt, socks and a doll. And Sam, well as Isaac puts it, he can't talk so we don't know what he wants. He's getting a few toys, pj's and a small cuddly blanket. This whole Santa thing is so much fun. Right now the kids are small enough where hiding the toys is pretty easy and they have such an amazing ability to believe in Santa. Their joy is so contagious.
We have spent the past 2 weekends in Dallas celebrating Christmas with Josh's mom and dad. The kids have had such an amazing past couple of weeks. I think they think that Christmas last for weeks. I had to put a big C on the calendar so they could keep track of when Christmas is. The other day they woke up in the morning and Josh came out of the room to find them staring at the tree. They were so sad. Josh asked them what was wrong and they said that Santa didn't leave them any presents. We had to explain to them that he wasn't coming for a few more weeks. Hence the big C on the calendar.
We did have some big news yesterday, Allison had her baby! Kaylee was born at 10:32 pm, weighed 7 lb 13 oz and 20 inches long. I talked to Allison today and she said they were doing great and haven't slept much. O welcome to parenthood!
Tomorrow I am taking the kids to a puppet show at the library and afterwards we are picking up some lunch and going to the park. We are meeting a few of Isaac's classmates there as well. Hopefully all 3 kiddos will have fun.
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