The Morris house had a wonderful Christmas this year. It seems like we have been actually celebrating for a while now and things are starting to calm down. We went to mass on Christmas Eve and for the most part the kids were well behaved. Afterwards we went to my dad's house to celebrate with his side of his family. Most of them had not met Sam, so it was nice to introduce him to everyone. We had a great time and the kids got to see Santa again. Isaac was so excited and wouldn't stop talking. I think he was the evening entertainment. That night Josh and I got home and started putting all the gifts out and made cookies for Christmas. Christmas morning came and we heard the kids talking. Josh went out to find them in the living room. We left the Christmas tree lights on so the kids could see the gifts. Josh asked them if Santa came and Isaac replied no. Josh said he think he did because of all the gifts out. (we put out santa gifts unwrapped on the coffee table). Isaac said, no Santa wasn't finished because the gifts were not wrapped and he needed to go back to bed so Santa could finish. It took some convincing but they finally accepting the fact that, yes, Santa had come. They they got all excited. We opened up gifts and the kids had a blast. It was so much fun to see their excitement. Right after opening up the gifts we got dressed and headed out the door. We drove to Abilene to the LeBlanc house to spend Christmas day. We had lots of fun hanging out with the family and the kids got a few more gifts to open. Later that day Josh, Isaac, Sam and I heading back to Austin.
We left Maya behind to stay with her cousins. Mariana is having a 13th bday party and invited Maya to stay. She was so excited about going to her party. She didn't bat an eye when we left. I have since talked to my mom and let's just say we are not missed in the slightest. Mom says Maya is having a blast over there. She has all her girl cousins doting on her and making her feel like a princess. I think I am going to have my hands full when comes back home. Mom did say that she had to take away the candy dish because Maya kept getting into the candy and Mom found her hiding eating the candy. Maya birthday is coming up in a couple of days, I think she is 2 going on 13. In her mind I am sure she thinks she is just as big as the other girls. Mom has said that Gabby has been especially patient with her. Meanwhile Isaac is missing her and isn't quite sure how to play by himself. He keeps asking if we are going to pick up Maya today. Isaac did get to spend the day with Connor yesterday. They went to Inerspace Caverns and ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. He had a super fun time.
As for Sam, poor little guy came down with a cold. I took him into the doctors office yesterday and it turns out he has RSV. He is on some breathing treatments and we just have to keep an eye out if he gets worse. The past few nights have been difficult as he keeps waking up every hour or so. He should be feeling better in a week or so. Now, I need to try and keep the other kids healthy!
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