My dad gave us tickets to the Alamo bowl this year. The Aggies played against Penn State. It was me, Josh, Andrea and Anthony G. Isaac stayed with Connor, Sam was with Virgie and mom still had Maya. We drove down to San Antonio and grabbed a bit to eat at Chris Madrids. Josh has raved about this place and I finally was able to eat there. It was yummy!! We had some greasy hamburgers and fries. We drove to the Alamo Bowl, and thankfully we had reserved parking because there were so many people. We all had a great time. Unfortunately the Aggies lost, but for a while I thought for sure they would pull it off. O well! It is always nice to be surrounded by fellow Aggies, one of the reasons I love this school. We drove back home that night and after dropping off Andrea and picking up the kids we didn't get home till 2:30 am. Sam is still not feeling well and was a fussy little baby for Virgie. Poor little guy wouldn't go back to sleep till 3:30. I think he finally is on the road to recovery so we will have our happy smiling Sam back soon. Gig'Em Aggies! Whoop!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Alamo Bowl
My dad gave us tickets to the Alamo bowl this year. The Aggies played against Penn State. It was me, Josh, Andrea and Anthony G. Isaac stayed with Connor, Sam was with Virgie and mom still had Maya. We drove down to San Antonio and grabbed a bit to eat at Chris Madrids. Josh has raved about this place and I finally was able to eat there. It was yummy!! We had some greasy hamburgers and fries. We drove to the Alamo Bowl, and thankfully we had reserved parking because there were so many people. We all had a great time. Unfortunately the Aggies lost, but for a while I thought for sure they would pull it off. O well! It is always nice to be surrounded by fellow Aggies, one of the reasons I love this school. We drove back home that night and after dropping off Andrea and picking up the kids we didn't get home till 2:30 am. Sam is still not feeling well and was a fussy little baby for Virgie. Poor little guy wouldn't go back to sleep till 3:30. I think he finally is on the road to recovery so we will have our happy smiling Sam back soon. Gig'Em Aggies! Whoop!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas!
The Morris house had a wonderful Christmas this year. It seems like we have been actually celebrating for a while now and things are starting to calm down. We went to mass on Christmas Eve and for the most part the kids were well behaved. Afterwards we went to my dad's house to celebrate with his side of his family. Most of them had not met Sam, so it was nice to introduce him to everyone. We had a great time and the kids got to see Santa again. Isaac was so excited and wouldn't stop talking. I think he was the evening entertainment. That night Josh and I got home and started putting all the gifts out and made cookies for Christmas. Christmas morning came and we heard the kids talking. Josh went out to find them in the living room. We left the Christmas tree lights on so the kids could see the gifts. Josh asked them if Santa came and Isaac replied no. Josh said he think he did because of all the gifts out. (we put out santa gifts unwrapped on the coffee table). Isaac said, no Santa wasn't finished because the gifts were not wrapped and he needed to go back to bed so Santa could finish. It took some convincing but they finally accepting the fact that, yes, Santa had come. They they got all excited. We opened up gifts and the kids had a blast. It was so much fun to see their excitement. Right after opening up the gifts we got dressed and headed out the door. We drove to Abilene to the LeBlanc house to spend Christmas day. We had lots of fun hanging out with the family and the kids got a few more gifts to open. Later that day Josh, Isaac, Sam and I heading back to Austin.
We left Maya behind to stay with her cousins. Mariana is having a 13th bday party and invited Maya to stay. She was so excited about going to her party. She didn't bat an eye when we left. I have since talked to my mom and let's just say we are not missed in the slightest. Mom says Maya is having a blast over there. She has all her girl cousins doting on her and making her feel like a princess. I think I am going to have my hands full when comes back home. Mom did say that she had to take away the candy dish because Maya kept getting into the candy and Mom found her hiding eating the candy. Maya birthday is coming up in a couple of days, I think she is 2 going on 13. In her mind I am sure she thinks she is just as big as the other girls. Mom has said that Gabby has been especially patient with her. Meanwhile Isaac is missing her and isn't quite sure how to play by himself. He keeps asking if we are going to pick up Maya today. Isaac did get to spend the day with Connor yesterday. They went to Inerspace Caverns and ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. He had a super fun time.
As for Sam, poor little guy came down with a cold. I took him into the doctors office yesterday and it turns out he has RSV. He is on some breathing treatments and we just have to keep an eye out if he gets worse. The past few nights have been difficult as he keeps waking up every hour or so. He should be feeling better in a week or so. Now, I need to try and keep the other kids healthy!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Date Night
Last night I went on a date. A date with a very sweet, funny and talkative young boy. Yes, I am talking about Isaac. We went Christmas shopping, to dinner and more Christmas shopping. He was such a trooper as I dragged him around the mall. We picked out gifts for Josh, Maya and Sam. At first he wanted to get Josh a computer, I had to break it to him that it was a little out of price range. So we settled on 2 board games. It was so much fun just hanging out with him. Maybe I am a little biased, but he really is an amazing little boy. The whole time we were at dinner I just stared at him and laughed at all the things he was saying. He reminds me so much of Josh sometimes. Josh took Maya on a date a week ago and she had a wonderful time. That sweet smile on her face was priceless when I told her she was going on a date with her daddy. They too went Christmas shopping, though she can't really keep a secret as she told me later on that she bought me a bracelet. I told Josh we need to continue to find time to spend with each kid separately. We are so blessed to have 3 amazing children and I realize more and more that they grow up way to quickly.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas Lists
It is Christmas time and the kids are so excited. It is so much fun to see the excitement in their eyes every time they see Santa, or Christmas lights or even just singing Christmas songs. Isaac and Maya had their Christmas program at school yesterday. They were so cute. Isaac wore a Santa hat and Maya had a t-shirt that they decorated and a little halo on her head. Need I mention that the halo kept coming off or was on crooked the whole time... quite fitting I believe. The kids have made their lists for Santa and they are as follows. Isaac wants a jet airplane, race car shirt, pants and pj's. And of course some cars. Maya would like a sparkly shirt, socks and a doll. And Sam, well as Isaac puts it, he can't talk so we don't know what he wants. He's getting a few toys, pj's and a small cuddly blanket. This whole Santa thing is so much fun. Right now the kids are small enough where hiding the toys is pretty easy and they have such an amazing ability to believe in Santa. Their joy is so contagious.
We have spent the past 2 weekends in Dallas celebrating Christmas with Josh's mom and dad. The kids have had such an amazing past couple of weeks. I think they think that Christmas last for weeks. I had to put a big C on the calendar so they could keep track of when Christmas is. The other day they woke up in the morning and Josh came out of the room to find them staring at the tree. They were so sad. Josh asked them what was wrong and they said that Santa didn't leave them any presents. We had to explain to them that he wasn't coming for a few more weeks. Hence the big C on the calendar.
We did have some big news yesterday, Allison had her baby! Kaylee was born at 10:32 pm, weighed 7 lb 13 oz and 20 inches long. I talked to Allison today and she said they were doing great and haven't slept much. O welcome to parenthood!
Tomorrow I am taking the kids to a puppet show at the library and afterwards we are picking up some lunch and going to the park. We are meeting a few of Isaac's classmates there as well. Hopefully all 3 kiddos will have fun.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
We celebrated Thanksgiving this year in Dallas. The night before Thanksgiving we headed to my Dad's house to celebrate Thanksgiving with him. It was just the Gonzales's, Turmans, Muto's and my nephew Vincent dropped by as well. We had some good fun and just got to spend some time together. Thursday morning we headed out for Dallas. The kids were very good on the drive and we only had to stop once! Everyone gathered at Nita's house. All of Josh's siblings where there with their families. It is always so much fun when we all get together. We all ate way too much, but the food was just so yummy. Nita was very adamant that we begin eating at 1 because her Cowboy game was coming on at 3. After eating we watched the Cowboy game then played some board games. On Friday Josh, Nita, Caleb and Katie went to College Station to watch the A&M vs. t.u. game. Me and the kiddos stayed behind and hung out at Nita's house all day. We watched the game and cheered the Aggies on to victory!! Whoop!! Josh said they had a blast, what a way to end the season. Saturday we went to Don's house and celebrated Thanksgiving with him. The kids had a blast playing with all of Mason's toys, while we watched a movie. It was a fun filled weekend and we are set to head back in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Isaac is 4!!

We celebrated Isaac's 4th birthday on Saturday. He played in his last soccer game, then some of the kids from his team all went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream and of course to get their medal. Isaac had a good last game and actually scored 2 goals! We laugh about the goals because he basically stayed back and let the other kids kick the ball, then he came in at the last minute and scored. None the less he had fun and we had fun watching him. Later that night we had a small party for him at our house. Those that came were Grandma, Aunt Virgie, Jacob, Anthony, Aunt Vernie, Uncle Luke, Connor, Ava and Tia Andri. Isaac loved his cake and his Tim Duncan ice cream. He got some great gifts and had lots of fun. Maya is now eager to get her party started. She will be 3 at the end of the year and has already informed me she wants cupcakes and has pointed some items out she wants for her birthday.
Sunday after mass we spent the whole day watching NASCAR. Josh and Isaac were very excited that their driver, Jimmie Johnson, won the championship. I can't believe I am actually including this in my blog, Josh will be shocked. My back decided to go out on me on Friday and I have been trying so hard to get it back into good health. Josh was very helpful to me over the weekend and took Daddy duty like a champ! Isaac went in for his 4 yr old check-up and we discovered that he has bronchitis and an ear infection. Maya also has an ear infection and poor little Sam is all congested. Seems like the Morris house has the sicky bug, hopefully we will all get better soon as we are going to Dallas for Thanksgiving. Till later!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So much to say
I was reminded by my sister that I haven't updated my blog in a while. I have meaning to for a long time, as much has been going on, but all the excuses come up. So, no more excuses! What has been going on with the Morris clan the past month or so? Well, we had Halloween, vacation with Daddy, trips to Dallas, and of course Isaac's 4th birthday! Josh took off a week from work in October, we went to Dallas for Allison's baby shower and Josh took Isaac to an airshow. Allison's shower was so much fun and she got lots of goodies for the baby. Isaac had a blast at the airshow with Josh. He loves telling people about it, he is so animated when he tells his stories. He is so much like Josh. During Josh's vacation we came back to Austin and went to the Austin Children's Museum and Zilker park. The kids loved the museum and of course had fun playing at the park. Most of all they really enjoyed having Daddy home for a whole week, and of course I enjoyed having him around.
Halloween came on a Wednesday this year and I took the kids to Josh's work so they could trick-or-treat at his office. All the employees had candy for the kids and Josh got to show off just how cute our kids are :o). Isaac was the black spiderman, Maya was a princess and Sam was a giraffe (or has Grammy says, a cow). The two older kids really got into the whole idea of Halloween this year, they loved dressing up and of course all the candy, which we are still eating. Isaac told everyone that he was the good black spiderman who saved people. Maya loved all her sparkly jewelry and princess shoes, and she twirled around whenever people asked what she was. And Sam, well he just looked super adorable in his costume. Grandma came over to our house and helped pass out candy and see the kids in their costumes.
We spent many a Friday or Wednesday night going to see Anthony and Jacob play football. The kids enjoy seeing their big cousins play and cheer them on. Maya loves playing with the pom poms and Isaac really like screaming and yelling rooting for his team. October has also been spent trying to potty train Maya. Let's just say we are still working on it. She is strong willed and headstrong. I am learning to have patience and learned quickly that forcing her was not the way to go. She has a potty chart and loves putting her princess and kitty cat stickers on her chart.
We had a very sad beginning of November as Josh's cousin Gena passed away. She battled with cancer for the past 4 1/2 years. The funeral was beautiful and the church service was packed with all the people she touched. I know I will truly miss her, she was the first one of Josh's extended family to make feel so welcome into the Hartley clan. When I tell people about her I still can't help but get teary eyed because she was such a beautiful human being. We are all so blessed to have had the chance to know her.
Isaac's birthday was yesterday, he is now 4 years old!! He is such a big boy, so smart and funny. He reminds me so much of Josh, especially his story telling. We made cookies so he could take them to school and share them with his friends. Later that night we took him to dinner and went to soccer practice. We are having a small party for him on Saturday, he is looking forward to it so much. He is standing next to me right now as I type and wants me to include that he is going to the doctors office after his party. O, and he just kissed my arm and told me he loved me... made my day! Maya wants me to include that princess Maya likes playing with Isaac, and she says this as she twirls around. Well, the kids are begging me to play bubbles with them outside and I am running out of five more minutes. Till next time, which hopefully won't be too much longer.
Halloween came on a Wednesday this year and I took the kids to Josh's work so they could trick-or-treat at his office. All the employees had candy for the kids and Josh got to show off just how cute our kids are :o). Isaac was the black spiderman, Maya was a princess and Sam was a giraffe (or has Grammy says, a cow). The two older kids really got into the whole idea of Halloween this year, they loved dressing up and of course all the candy, which we are still eating. Isaac told everyone that he was the good black spiderman who saved people. Maya loved all her sparkly jewelry and princess shoes, and she twirled around whenever people asked what she was. And Sam, well he just looked super adorable in his costume. Grandma came over to our house and helped pass out candy and see the kids in their costumes.
We spent many a Friday or Wednesday night going to see Anthony and Jacob play football. The kids enjoy seeing their big cousins play and cheer them on. Maya loves playing with the pom poms and Isaac really like screaming and yelling rooting for his team. October has also been spent trying to potty train Maya. Let's just say we are still working on it. She is strong willed and headstrong. I am learning to have patience and learned quickly that forcing her was not the way to go. She has a potty chart and loves putting her princess and kitty cat stickers on her chart.
We had a very sad beginning of November as Josh's cousin Gena passed away. She battled with cancer for the past 4 1/2 years. The funeral was beautiful and the church service was packed with all the people she touched. I know I will truly miss her, she was the first one of Josh's extended family to make feel so welcome into the Hartley clan. When I tell people about her I still can't help but get teary eyed because she was such a beautiful human being. We are all so blessed to have had the chance to know her.
Isaac's birthday was yesterday, he is now 4 years old!! He is such a big boy, so smart and funny. He reminds me so much of Josh, especially his story telling. We made cookies so he could take them to school and share them with his friends. Later that night we took him to dinner and went to soccer practice. We are having a small party for him on Saturday, he is looking forward to it so much. He is standing next to me right now as I type and wants me to include that he is going to the doctors office after his party. O, and he just kissed my arm and told me he loved me... made my day! Maya wants me to include that princess Maya likes playing with Isaac, and she says this as she twirls around. Well, the kids are begging me to play bubbles with them outside and I am running out of five more minutes. Till next time, which hopefully won't be too much longer.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Field Day
Last Thursday the kids had Field day at their Mothers Day Out. I was able to volunteer for the festivities (I say volunteer, but half the time I was tending to Sam). All the kids were so cute and I got to play with Isaac and Maya's class. The kids had a blast, Maya's favorite things were the bubbles while Isaac loved playing soccer and basketball. Saturday Josh and I drove up to College Station with Caleb and Katie for an Aggie football game. It was a tight game but we pulled out a win!! WHOOP! We all had a super fun time but didn't get home till 1:30 am, of course Sam was wide awake at 5:30, mama needs more than 4 hours of sleep!! Maya and Sam spent the day with Grandma and Maya was a good big sister and helped Grandma take care of Sam. Isaac spent the day with his cousin Connor. Vernie said they had a blast playing together and had so much fun playing outside in the water and mud. Sunday we went to church and then spent the rest of the day with the Gonzales family and grandma. The kids always love going over there. Isaac can't wait till he is big like Anthony and Jacob and of course Maya is Alie's princess in training. We are all looking forward to a good week and the kids can't wait to see Grammy and Grandaddy this weekend.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away
We are back from our mini-vacation in Corpus Christi. We had a blast! We stayed with our friends Amy, Hector and Raul. They were so gracious as to put us up for the extended weekend. It ended up raining for much of the stay but the sun did come out on Sunday and we took advantage of it and headed to the beach. The kids had so much fun and want to go back tomorrow. Though it rained we still had a wonderful time just hanging out with our friends. The kids got along so well and we have determined that Maya and Raul will be getting into a lot of trouble in the future. Seems like both of them have a bit of dare-devil in them. Amy is pregnant and just found out she is having a boy, she looks all aglow with that pregnancy happiness. Josh finally suckered me into playing Risk with him, I have been avoiding playing this game with him. And guess what... I won!! I did have a little help from him and Hector, but I won. And we all know how much I enjoy winning. I think maybe he did this on purpose so I will play again. So, we are back in Austin and trying to get back into the swing of things. Funny how just being away for a few days can make things out of whack. I was sad to come home to find out my guardian angel maid hadn't paid me a visit to clean my house, guess that will be up to me. I will try and post a few pictures of the kids at the beach, see if I can figure this thing out.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Shoots and Ladders
I bought the board game Chutes and Ladders for the kids the other day. They were so excited about playing it with the family. Mind you they have never played the game before. When Josh got home from work Isaac was so excited to tell him about the new game and how we were going to play it that night. He told him that mommy, Maya and daddy were going to climb ladders and he (Isaac) was going to shoot them. Is this funny, or should I be concerned?
So, I am a bad mom or least a mom that procrastinates. Maya was the line leader at school today. When they are line leader they are to bring a snack for the whole class, a favorite book and a couple pictures from home. As I was putting her bucket together I went on my search for pictures of the family. Much to my dismay we don't have any pictures of Sam.. he is almost 4 months old! How sad. It isn't like we haven't taken any of him, we just haven't printed them, they are all still on the camera or my computer. So Maya's family picture was pre-Sam. I told her Sam was in Mommy's tummy, she seemed okay with that answer.
So, I am a bad mom or least a mom that procrastinates. Maya was the line leader at school today. When they are line leader they are to bring a snack for the whole class, a favorite book and a couple pictures from home. As I was putting her bucket together I went on my search for pictures of the family. Much to my dismay we don't have any pictures of Sam.. he is almost 4 months old! How sad. It isn't like we haven't taken any of him, we just haven't printed them, they are all still on the camera or my computer. So Maya's family picture was pre-Sam. I told her Sam was in Mommy's tummy, she seemed okay with that answer.
Monday, September 24, 2007
And so it begins...
I decided to start this blog as a way for me to remember all those little things that go on day to day that I know if left to my memory will cease to exist. You see, I tend to forget things, that is except for some small meaningless thing Josh did or said about my hair or clothes. You know, those silly and petty things that women can never seem to forget. I find myself watching my children grow and think to myself, that is so cute I will have to remember this when they are teenagers and I am about to strangle them. Josh's grandmother recently ran across a journal she kept for a short while back in the late 70's. She shared with all her children, grandchildren and extended family excerpts from this journal. It was really the neatest thing and everyone loved hearing about what was going on with their family 'way back then'. So, I begin this blog and dedicate it to my wonderful family who continually bless me with their love, hugs, kisses and daily reminders that God has a sense of humor.
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